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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FACT: Bands produce more quality music on drugs and booze

Prime example:  Stone Temple Pilots
The minute Scott Weiland (who we all know WAS the band) got off smack, a natural sequence of events ensued - poor quality shows, garbage follow up albums and (dum, dum, dum) the dreaded 'side projects' nonsense talk they litter the media with.  Don't lie to yourselves...we all know it.  Tweenie Boppers take note!!

Case in point, I'm scared this is going to happen to my FAVORITE band of all time, The Strokes.  Julian is a bad ass crooner along with Fab on the simply cannot go wrong.  They did something for indie rock that cannot be replicated.  Add in their twenty something angst, their self deprecation, hipster before we knew what hipster was look, and you have indie gold.  I went to Outside Lands Fest in San Fran last year and saw them along with a million other hard core fans.  Let me tell you that they BROUGHT THE THUNDER!!  Julian was so trashed on stage he didn't know he was in San Francisco....seriously.  It was the best show I have ever seen them put on.  For the love of God, they even opened with NYC Cops.  What a move, a song so controversial, they rarely play it and even changed the name to satisfy the record that very point, I saw what a stainless steel set they all had on them .  See a clip below....

March 22nd, they drop their first album in FIVE years, "Angles".....and Julian along with the rest of the band is clean.  It is imperative that this does not suck.  I'm so scared.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can't a girl just have a drink in peace?

Dear Chaz,
I'm writing to you concerning your recent attempt to pick me at the bar, as your receding hairline and immediate verbal diarrhea about your 'bitch ex-wife' were not attractive.  Persistent as you were, disclosing the contents of your bank account and divulging that that was 'your fat daddy Mercedes in the parking lot' did not help your cause.  Guess what asshole?  Like most women, I am repulsed by your lackadaisical, used car salesman attitude...and no, I do not like to have multiple orgasms.  Didn't you just tell me I looked like your daughter?!  WOW!  I wonder if she knows her old man is skeezing on girls half his age and totally out of his league?  
Why did you think it was appropriate to stalk me outside the WOMEN'S bathroom to ask for my phone number?  However, in an attempt to escape your clutches, yes, I did give you the fax number to my former employer. I do not appreciate you blatantly eye fucking me in front of the entire bar, as this is somewhat of a classy joint.  I immediately went home and showered after the violation. Take your freak show shriveled up old man balls, and get your eyes back into your skull and off my ass! 
Again, I formally decline any offer to dinner, coffee, and especially a drink, but thank you for the invitation :)
PS, you dropped your packet of Rohypnol at the high top table next to us. 